Welcome to our website.

We are a small assembly tucked away in a beautiful wilderness area of northcentral Florida. We teach, preach and strive to live by the word of Yahweh, our Heavenly Father, which were lived and taught by His Son, Yahushua, our Savior. We believe that all must come to Father Yahweh and have the faith of Yahushua, the Messiah. Specific doctrines that we strive to teach and inform folks of include:

  1. Repentance;
  2. Baptism in the Name of Yahushua for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38), followed by the laying on of hands for the receiving of the Holy Spirit;
  3. Adherence out of love and reverence for our Father to all commandments that pertain to each individual, understanding all come to true knowledge at different levels;
  4. We welcome others to join us in observing our Heavenly Father’s set-apart feasts as outlined in Leviticus Chapter 23.

We hold services every Sabbath (Sat.), beginning at 1:00 p.m. along with a fellowship meeting every 4th day of the week (Wed.) at 6:00 p.m. On both occasions, we break bread together.

All are welcomed to join us and we would encourage you to contact us via the contact page (click here) for more information.